upload: diffstat-1.40-1, tar-1.15.1-1

Eric Blake ericblake@comcast.net
Wed Aug 17 18:05:00 GMT 2005

> >But opening with "rt" is non-POSIX,
> I don't see what that has to do with anything.

It means that you have to use #ifdef __CYGWIN__ in your
sources before using it.  Some upstream maintainers are
reluctant to add patches with #ifdef code if an alternative
solution can be found that works on every platform without
#ifdefs.  Furthermore, since no standard documents its
existence, there is no guarantee that the semantics won't
change in the future (other than the principle of backwards
compatibility says that changing semantices of an interface
currently in use is a dumb idea).  But you are also right that
since "rt" does work on cygwin, there is nothing inherently
wrong with using it if it solves the problem at hand.

Eric Blake

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