[ITP] unison2.13.16, unison2.17.1

Gerrit P. Haase gerrit@familiehaase.de
Thu Aug 25 15:10:00 GMT 2005

Andrew Schulman wrote:

>>Perhaps 2.13-nn and 2.17-nn would be a better choice for the versioning
>>now, because of the changes made by the Unison team. That is all 2.13.xx
>>are interoperable with each other. 2.13.xx and 2.13.yy are interoperable
>>for any xx and yy. Same for 2.17.zz...
> Thanks, this is a good idea.  Let me put this together and repost.  A.

We will end up with 'how many?' unison packages?

It is bad design if you need to install 10 version at the same time
only to be able to access several different servers.  Why don't they
include support for every know server in the clients?  Shouldn't be
too hard even recognizing the version of the server during runtime?
Then I would install always *one* version at a time and as long
there is no newer server I would be able to access any unison server.


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