[ITP] ploticus, libploticus, ploticus-common, ploticus-doc (revised)

Andrew Schulman schulman.andrew@epamail.epa.gov
Mon Oct 3 04:50:00 GMT 2005

> It seems that libploticus.a is simply a "convenience" library, intended
> to make building ploticus.exe (aka 'pl') easier.  It does not appear
> that the ploticus team really intended to furnish a publicly reusable 
> In that case, it might just be better to not distribute the library or
> the headers at all, but this decision would require further research.
> Maybe the original poster could contact the ploticus development team
> and ask their advice on packaging?

OK, sorry for the packaging problems.  It seems that I overlooked a few 

I think that the best thing to do right now would be just to withdraw the 
libploticus package.  I think that the static library is usable, and that 
it won't take long to identify and include the necessary header files.  
But that will take some discussion with the ploticus author-- there's only 
one-- and I'm trying to engage him on some other important design issues 
right now.  I'd rather get those resolved first, then come back to 
libploticus, solve the remaining problems, and reissue it as 

So what's the right way to do this?  Issue a package update for 
libploticus, with a new setup.hint using category: _obsolete ?


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