updated: guile-1.6.7-2, guile-1.7.2-2

Eric Blake ericblake@comcast.net
Thu Oct 6 16:20:00 GMT 2005

> > On the other hand, since they are not direct dependencies here, but
> > libreadline6 IS a direct dependency of libguile12, you should
> > probably only list libreadline6 in the libguile12 setup.hint, rather
> > than here.
> Why do you think that?
> $ wine cygwin/root/usr/bin/cygcheck.exe cygwin/root/usr/bin/cygguile-12.dll
> cygwin/root/usr/bin/cygguile-12.dll
>   cygwin/root/usr/bin\cygcrypt-0.dll
>     cygwin/root/usr/bin\cygwin1.dll
>       C:\Windows\System\ADVAPI32.DLL
>       C:\Windows\System\KERNEL32.dll
>   cygwin/root/usr/bin\cygguile-ltdl-1.dll
> Wine exited with a successful status

You need to check usr/bin/*.dll, not just the primary .dll.  Then
recognize that direct dependencies are indented with exactly
2 spaces.  So, cygguile-12.dll has direct dependency on
cygcrypt-0.dll (and actually no direct dependence on cygwin1.dll!);
it also has a direct dependence on cygguile-ltdl-1.dll but that is
part of the libguile12 package.  So for this one .dll, your setup.hint
need only mention crypt, as the provider of your only direct
dependence not also in your package.  It is when you repeat
this process for all of your .dlls that you will discover that another
.dll has the direct dependence on libreadline6, as well as which
of the dlls have a direct dependence on cygwin1.dll.

> > Have you considered using the generic-build-script?
> I'm using mknetrel, plus plugings for split packages, doc and mingw
> building.  Does the generic build script support cross building?

I'm not sure, although I think it could (it is just a shell script
wrapper around ./configure; make, so it should be able to
configure with --host and --target).  Using g-b-s is not a
requirement, but it does some of the tedious work like coming
up with your dependency list automatically.  I'm not familiar with
mknetrel to compare the differences.

Eric Blake

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