[ITP] worker-2.13.1-1

Charli Li KBarticle889459@aim.com
Wed Aug 30 21:24:00 GMT 2006

Below is the setup.hint appended.
# Setup.hint for package Worker
sdesc: "File manager with a classic two panel interface"
ldesc: "Worker' is a file manager for the X Window System with a classic two
panel interface (similar to 'midnight commander'). Although it has a fully
graphical configuration, you can still manually edit the configuration file
without restarting 'Worker'. External programs integrate easily through
buttons, hotkeys, and filetype-actions.' Worker' uses file recognition by
file content, filename extension, or both. Each filetype can be assigned
different actions with completely configurable commands."
category: Editors Utils
requires: cygwin xorg-x11-base xorg-x11-devel xorg-x11-libs-data
-----END SETUP.HINT-----

This package is in these major Linux distros:
http://packages.debian.org/stable/x11/worker - Debian Stable
http://www.linuxpackages.net/search_view.php?by=name&name=worker&ver= -
Slackware 9.1; 10.0; 10.1; 10.2
http://packages.gentoo.org/search/?sstring=worker Gentoo
http://www.rpmfind.net/linux/rpm2html/search.php?query=worker RPMs for other
distros (Red Hat, Fedora Core?)

Here are the files for the package:

This package builds OOTB, so no cygporting is needed.  However, along with
the Cygwin-required configure flags, you also need to specify this flag so
you won't end up with just an app and a manpage:

./configure --enable-library [--prefix=/usr ...]

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