[ITP] CppAD (C++ Algorithmic Differentiation)

Brad Bell bradbell@seanet.com
Fri Dec 8 13:23:00 GMT 2006

CppAD: C++ algorithmic differentiation by operator overloading.

I would like to propose the new cygwin package CppAD and I would like to
be the maintainer of this package.

I am the project manager for CppAD and you can find out information about
it and its development at

I have placed the package for review at the web address
which contains the files
I think that that these files are greatly improved with respect to my 
[ITP] of CppAD; see

This package is not currently included in a major Linux distribution,
hence it requires five positive votes from package maintainers in order
to be accepted.

Thank you in advance for you time in considering this package.

----------------------------- setup.hint 
# To test the source or binary distribution, copy the source 
distribution file
#    cppad-20061208-1/get_started/get_started.cpp
# to a temporary directory and execute the commands
#    g++ get_started.cpp -o get_started.exe
#    ./get_started
# the resulting output should be
#    y'(3) computed by CppAD = 142
# Requires a standard compliant C++ compiler; e.g., gcc-g++.
requires: gcc-g++
category: Math
sdesc: "C++ algorithmic differentiation by operator overloading"
ldesc: "C++ algorithmic differentiation by operator overloading.
Forward and reverse mode as well as derivatives of arbitrary order
are supported. See the documentation for this version
    ( /usr/share/doc/cppad-20061208-1/cppad.htm )
or the CppAD home page
    ( http://http://www.coin-or.org/CppAD/ )
for more details."

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