CVS setup.exe crashes on Windows 2003 Server x64

Dave Korn
Sat Dec 16 01:13:00 GMT 2006

On 15 December 2006 21:08, Thrall, Bryan wrote:

> I'm seeing setup.exe built from CVS head crash on Windows 2003 Server
> x64 (Standard version, SP 1). 

> Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
> 0x004eb157 in AllocateAndInitializeSid@44 ()
> (gdb) bt
> #0  0x004eb157 in AllocateAndInitializeSid@44 ()
> #1  0x0043d8f8 in NTSecurity::initialiseEveryOneSID (this=0x23f780)
>     at
> #2  0x0043daca in NTSecurity::setDefaultDACL (this=0x23f780) at
> #3  0x0043e1ec in NTSecurity::setDefaultSecurity (this=0x23f780) at
> #4  0x0043ed33 in set_default_sec () at
> #5  0x0043f3a2 in WinMain (h=0x400000, hPrevInstance=0x0,
>     command_line=0xe0245d "", cmd_show=10) at
> #6  0x00499238 in main (argc=1, argv=0x346b8, __p__environ=0x33090)
>     at ../../runtime/main.c:73
> After a little debugging, it looks like the this pointer is getting
> corrupted between frames 1 and 0 (it is valid in frame 1 and invalid --
> 0x105 IIRC -- in frame 0).

  Frame 0 is not a C++ member function so you wouldn't expect it to have a
this pointer.

> Any suggestions on what might be going wrong? Can anyone else reproduce
> this?

  Don't have 64bits or 2k3 but I'll see how win2k likes it.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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