[ITA] xterm 229 - X terminal emulator

Jari Aalto (Cygwin-bug#20070818T1029) jari.aalto@cante.net
Mon Aug 20 04:58:00 GMT 2007

Adopted from Harold. Also updated to new upstream release.

sdesc: "X terminal emulator"
ldesc: "A terminal emulator for the X Window System. It provides DEC VT102
and Tektronix 4014 compatible terminals for programs that cannot use
the window system directly. This version implements ISO/ANSI colors
and most of the control sequences used by DEC VT220 terminals."
category: X11
requires: cygwin bash expat libfontconfig1 libfreetype26 libXft2 terminfo xorg-x11-base zlib

a) manual

  wget        \
    http://cygwin.cante.net/xterm/xterm-229-1.tar.bz2 \
    http://cygwin.cante.net/xterm/xterm-229-1-src.tar.bz2 \

b) automated: get.sh displays further instructions

  gpg --keyserver wwwkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys 955A92D8

  mkdir xterm ; cd xterm
  rm -f get.sh get.sh.sig
  wget    http://cygwin.cante.net/xterm/get.sh \
  gpg --verify get.sh.sig get.sh &&
  sh get.sh

  cd /usr/src/cygwin-packages/xterm
  less /usr/src/cygwin-packages/xterm/get.sh
  tar -jtvf /usr/src/cygwin-packages/xterm/xterm-229-1.tar.bz2

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