New Setup for Cygwin 1.7 on

Charles Wilson
Thu Aug 21 15:13:00 GMT 2008

Christopher Faylor wrote:

> To rephrase: I think it is a bad idea to remove dependencies from
> _update-info-dir since so many things rely on it.


  1) all of _update-info-dir's dependencies are already satisfied by the
Base category


  2) we carefully map the dependency chains of the basic system-setup
packages (cygwin, base-*, a few more?) and deliberately exclude them
from getting _update-info-dir added to their dependency list.


  3) somehow add a priority scheme to postinstall scripts, so that in
the event of a cycle, setup "starts" traversing the dependency loop at
the package with the highest priority.

In order of least effort to most, I'd vote #1...


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