[ITP] afio 2.5 -- Archive file manipulation program

Jari Aalto (Cygwin-bug#20080216T1611) jari.aalto@cante.net
Sat Feb 16 18:26:00 GMT 2008

Included in Debian stable



sdesc: "Archive file manipulation program"
ldesc: "Afio makes cpio-format archives and is a better replacement for tar.
Afio manipulates groups of files, copying them within or between
filesystems and an afio archive. Afio archives are portable as they
contain only ASCII-formatted header information. Afio deals somewhat
gracefully with input data corruption: with tar <compress option>,
you're likely lose the whole archive past the first corruption. Afio
compresses each file, rather than creating a single big backup. Afio
supports multi-volume archives during interactive operation."
category: Archive
requires: cygwin

a) manual

  wget        \
    http://cygwin.cante.net/afio/afio-2.5-1-src.tar.bz2 \
    http://cygwin.cante.net/afio/afio-2.5-1.tar.bz2 \

b) automated

  gpg --keyserver wwwkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys 955A92D8

  mkdir afio ; cd afio
  rm -f get.sh get.sh.sig
  wget    http://cygwin.cante.net/afio/get.sh \
          http://cygwin.cante.net/afio/get.sh.sig &&
  gpg --verify get.sh.sig get.sh &&
  sh get.sh

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