setup.exe: Invalid or unsupported tar format

Christopher Faylor
Tue May 6 12:52:00 GMT 2008

On Mon, May 05, 2008 at 08:13:58PM -0600, Eric Blake wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> According to Brian Dessent on 5/5/2008 3:11 PM:
> |> I have an empty meta-package to pull in other packages copied from one
> |> of the _obsolete packages. I understand these are created via 'tar -T
> |> /dev/null -cjf foo.tar.bz2' (see
> |>, and diff
> |> reports the results identical; the file size is the expected 46 bytes.
> It sounds like we need to replace all the 46-byte files with 14 byte ones?
> ~ But the empty file is technically not a valid tar file, since it lacks
> the required trailing blocks.

Yes, I'm confused by this.  I did replace all of the zero length tar files
with the 46 byte versions.  That's what I've always done when creating an
empty package.


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