cygport-0.9.3 in release-2

Andrew Schulman
Mon Nov 10 15:38:00 GMT 2008

> > Several of my packages require multiple patches to compile and run properly in
> > Cygwin.  Instead of maintaining them all together as One Big Patch, I find it
> > easier to manage them as individual, discrete patch files, and apply them all at
> > package build time.
> I do that all the time.  Just keep the patches in the same directory as
> the .cygport, and add their file names (just the basename, no full URI
> or path) to PATCH_URI.

OK, but what if instead of having my patch files clutter up the top-level
directory, I want to keep them tucked neatly away in patches/?  (Which I do.)
Will cygport accept PATCH_URI=patches/* ?

> > I also have extra files, such as README and setup.hint, that I like to just copy
> > in before building, instead of maintaining them as patches.  Again, this is
> > easier for me in the long run.
> I don't think anybody maintains these as a patch; just copy them into
> CYGWIN-PATCHES sometime before the install step.  I prefer to do this
> manually so that I'm sure to check/update them before packaging.

I prefer to do it automatically, so I don't forget or have to do it manually
every time I rebuild (which I sometimes repeat several times from scratch, for
the same pkg-ver-rel).  So should I do that at the start of src_compile(), or is
there a better place?


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