[RFU 1.7] {emacs,emacs-X11,emacs-el}-23.0.92-10

Ken Brown kbrown@cornell.edu
Thu Jun 11 15:43:00 GMT 2009

Since no one objected to my proposal for promoting emacs-23 to "current"
(http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-apps/2009-06/msg00090.html), I've prepared 
new emacs packages for cygwin 1.7.  I've bumped the package version to 
-10,  following Chuck's model for distinguishing 1.7 packages from 1.5 

One question: I've removed from the "requires" lines all packages that 
are needed only for the emacs 21.2-13 packages, which will become 
"previous".  Is this the right thing to do?  It means that anyone who 
chooses the previous version (without having ever had it before) might 
be missing some prerequisites.  If I shouldn't have done that, please 
hold off on uploading, and I'll fix the setup.hint files.

cd release-2
wget -x -nH --cut-dirs=2 \
   ${D}/emacs/setup.hint \
   ${D}/emacs/emacs-23.0.92-10-src.tar.bz2 \
   ${D}/emacs/emacs-23.0.92-10.tar.bz2 \
   ${D}/emacs/emacs-X11/setup.hint \
   ${D}/emacs/emacs-X11/emacs-X11-23.0.92-10.tar.bz2 \
   ${D}/emacs/emacs-el/setup.hint \

Please delete the 23.0.92-1 (test) packages, leaving 21.2-13 as previous.


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