Vim and gVim

Yaakov (Cygwin/X)
Wed Sep 30 05:51:00 GMT 2009

On 16/09/2009 20:49, Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:
> Corinna,
> I would like to change how we are handling the vim/gvim installation.
> gvim.exe still includes the terminal interface, and will use it if
> $DISPLAY is unset or if called as vim, except that it accepts the '-g'
> argument. (Same goes for view/vimdiff/rvim/rview). This becomes
> important where vim is run from a script, an example of which is
> $VIMRUNTIME/macros/
> $ alias vless='/usr/share/vim/vim72/macros/'
> $ vless README
> [works]
> $ vless -g README
> E25: GUI cannot be used: Not enabled at compile time
> If gvim is installed, it would be nice to have that work. emacs has the
> same issue, so I suggest we use the same solution:
> 1) build/install vim.exe as vim-nox.exe;
> 2) ship symlinks ex and vi to vim-nox.exe (as I don't think GUI versions
> of these two make any sense);
> 3) ship the attached postinst/prerm scripts in the vim package, which
> will use alternatives create symlinks for vim/view/rvim/rview.
> (Consequently, alternatives will be an added dependency.)
> I will then rebuild gvim with similar alternatives usage, with a higher
> rank so that it takes priority when installed.
> Thoughts?



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