genini - one more...

Charles Wilson
Sun Mar 14 18:37:00 GMT 2010

On 3/14/2010 2:28 PM, Christopher Faylor wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 01:34:45PM -0400, Charles Wilson wrote:
>> 2010-03-14  Charles Wilson  <...>
>> 	* genini: Don't add keywords with no value to setup.ini
> Looks good.  Please apply.


> (although setup.exe probably should accept keywords followed by nothing)

I dunno, I wouldn't want to see 'sdesc: ' in setup.ini -- e.g. folks
evading the 'required field' issue by sprinkling a lot of empty entries.
It makes sense for requires:, now that we don't put 'cygwin' into each
and every setup.hint, but for other fields I'm not so sure.

This way: empty in setup.hint == missing in setup.ini, and it's up to
setup.exe to determine whether that field is "required" or not, without
worrying about sneaky empty strings.

Of course, you could still do

ldesc: " "

but that's just a maintainer being evil.


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