[ITP] astrometry.net-0.38-1

Charles Wilson cygwin@cwilson.fastmail.fm
Thu Nov 3 12:55:00 GMT 2011

On 11/3/2011 8:02 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> I hoped that somebody who voted on the package would do the final
> GTG, but in vain it seems.

Sorry...I had intended to, but got swamped with other stuff. :-(

> Anyway, I just had a look.  The packaging now looks basically good.  One
> issue I still have with the package is the big number of non-standard
> binaries in /usr/bin.
> Is it really necessary to have all the binaries as user-accessible
> binaries in /usr/bin?  Or are many of the binaries just called from
> another (or other) binaries which serve as the primary UI?  What also
> bugs me are the generic names of the binaries.  Plotstuff, merge-index,
> tablist, tabsort, checktree, ...  This all sounds not much like
> astronomer stuff.
> So, I would prefer to split the binaries into two groups:
> - UI binary (or binaries) into /usr/bin
> - Helper binaries into /usr/share/astrometry/bin

FHS says that architecture-dependent files should go under /usr/lib/ not 



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