ITP checkbashisms -- Check for bashisms in /bin/sh scripts

Jari Aalto
Sat Feb 4 08:55:00 GMT 2012

wget --recursive --no-host-directories --cut-dirs=3 \ \ \

checkbashisms script has been included in Debian since 200x (don't know
exatly; its git log starts in 2007). It's part of the devsripts in Debian.

To check build:

   tar -xf check*.bz2
   ./check*.sh --color --verbose all


[ setup.hint ]
sdesc: "Check for bashisms in /bin/sh scripts"
ldesc: "Perform basic checks on /bin/sh shell scripts for the possible
presence of bashisms. It takes the names of the shell scripts on the
command line, and outputs warnings if possible bashisms are detected.
Note that the definition of a bashism in this context roughly equates
to 'a shell feature that is not required to be supported by POSIX';
this means that some issues flagged may be permitted under optional
sections of POSIX, such as XSI or User Portability."
category: Perl Utils
requires: perl

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