[ITA] tcl-sqlite3

Yaakov (Cygwin/X) yselkowitz@users.sourceforge.net
Tue Jan 14 21:39:00 GMT 2014

On 2014-01-14 14:52, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> In how far does that affect the filename?  We're adding new APIs
> to Cygwin all the time, but the DLL is still called cygwin1.dll.
> And that's how it works for any other DLL as well as long as it
> doesn't break backward compatibility, API-wise.

This is a loadable module, not a link library, and unlike other language 
interpreters which load extensions directly based on file name, Tcl 
package-type extensions are loaded based on a metadata file 
(pkgIndex.tcl).  It is actually typical of Tcl extensions to be 
versioned in this way.


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