
Warren Young
Fri Aug 7 21:05:00 GMT 2015

On Aug 7, 2015, at 1:47 PM, Corinna Vinschen <> wrote:
> On Aug  6 17:57, Achim Gratz wrote:
>> I would consider this a release candidate.  Some more testing with
>> interactive and ad-hoc installs would be useful, though.
> I have a vague idea that setup should ideally be part of the Cygwin
> distro package set.  So setup updates itself, and it would be possible
> to handle public "test" releases.
> The issue of overwriting setup while setup is running could be worked
> around by setup first copying itself to a intermediate filename (e.g.
> .setup.exe) and then exce'ing that copy.

You’d have to couple this either with a MoveFileEx(…, MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT) call or a background task that replaces /bin/setup.exe with %LOCALAPPDATA%/Temp/setup-v$next.exe.

This would be a nice point to give setup.exe a CLI language for installing packages in yum/apt-get fashion, too.  (Yes, yes, I know, SHTDI.)

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