Proposed patch for cygport to fix homepage command

Doug Henderson
Tue Aug 8 04:30:00 GMT 2017


The "cygport <PN.cygport> homepage" command fails in two situations.

1. The default install location for Firefox 64 in WIn7 64 is

    "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"

To use this from cygwin, it must be convert with "cygpath -u" and
results in a path name which includes spaces, and thus require
quoting. Cygport will use the BROWSER environment variable, when set,
but it does not quote the value everywhere it is used.

2. If the package does not include a HOMEPAGE variable, cygport
defaults to searching google for the program name, e.g.:


however it does not quote the value everywhere it is used.

The attached patch quotes the path to the browser executable, and the
homepage URL at all locations where they are used.



Doug Henderson, Calgary, Alberta, Canada - from
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