[PATCH setup 00/14] Use libsolv, solve all our problems... (WIP)

Ken Brown kbrown@cornell.edu
Tue Sep 19 16:58:00 GMT 2017

On 9/19/2017 12:46 PM, Jon Turney wrote:
> On 19/09/2017 13:24, Ken Brown wrote:
>> On 9/16/2017 12:21 PM, Ken Brown wrote:
>>> On 9/15/2017 3:24 PM, Jon Turney wrote:
>>>> Can you rebase your and my patches onto master, and push to 
>>>> sourceware in a topic/libsolv branch?
>>> I've done the first part, but I don't seem to have the right 
>>> permissions for the second:
>>> $ git push -u origin topic/libsolv
>>> Counting objects: 221, done.
>>> Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
>>> Compressing objects: 100% (221/221), done.
>>> Writing objects: 100% (221/221), 49.10 KiB | 1.82 MiB/s, done.
>>> Total 221 (delta 180), reused 0 (delta 0)
>>> fatal: Unable to create temporary file: Permission denied
>>> error: remote unpack failed: index-pack abnormal exit
>>> To cygwin.com:/git/cygwin-setup.git
>>>   ! [remote rejected] topic/libsolv -> topic/libsolv (n/a (unpacker 
>>> error))
>>> error: failed to push some refs to 'cygwin.com:/git/cygwin-setup.git'
>>> I think I used to have commit access on sourceware, but it's possible 
>>> that my ssh key has changed since I last tried.  I can't really tell 
>>> from the error message whether that's the issue.
>>> Can you or Yaakov help with this?  My recollection is that when 
>>> Corinna first gave me access, she sent me an email with a link to 
>>> click on to submit my ssh key.
>> I just checked that I can still ssh into sourceware, so I don't think 
>> it's an issue with my ssh key.  Maybe someone just needs to give me 
>> permission to write to the cygwin-setup repo.
> Yes, additional permissions are required since it's under cygwin-apps.
> You should be good now.

Thanks.  I've pushed the branch.


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