RFC: setup package in Base

Yaakov Selkowitz yselkowitz@cygwin.com
Tue Apr 10 18:12:00 GMT 2018

In order to speed up the adoption of the latest setup.exe, would it make
sense to ship it as a package?  Here is an initial draft of what this
might look like:


Note that the executable itself is version/release-numbered so that we
never have to deal with replacing a running executable (setup itself).

Also, as an alternative to a simple symlink, what about a wrapper script
(such as the attached) that would allow more "yum-like" commands like
"cygsetup update" or "cygsetup install foo bar"?


-------------- next part --------------

set -e;
set -x;

# Command Line Options:
# -D --download                     Download from internet
# -L --local-install                Install from local directory
# -s --site                         Download site
# -O --only-site                    Ignore all sites except for -s
# -R --root                         Root installation directory
# -x --remove-packages              Specify packages to uninstall
# -c --remove-categories            Specify categories to uninstall
# -P --packages                     Specify packages to install
# -C --categories                   Specify entire categories to install
# -p --proxy                        HTTP/FTP proxy (host:port)
# -a --arch                         architecture to install (x86_64 or x86)
# -q --quiet-mode                   Unattended setup mode
# -M --package-manager              Semi-attended chooser-only mode
# -B --no-admin                     Do not check for and enforce running as
#                                   Administrator
# -h --help                         print help
# -l --local-package-dir            Local package directory
# -r --no-replaceonreboot           Disable replacing in-use files on next
#                                   reboot.
# -X --no-verify                    Don't verify setup.ini signatures
# -n --no-shortcuts                 Disable creation of desktop and start menu
#                                   shortcuts
# -N --no-startmenu                 Disable creation of start menu shortcut
# -d --no-desktop                   Disable creation of desktop shortcut
# -K --pubkey                       URL of extra public key file (gpg format)
# -S --sexpr-pubkey                 Extra public key in s-expr format
# -u --untrusted-keys               Use untrusted keys from last-extrakeys
# -U --keep-untrusted-keys          Use untrusted keys and retain all
# -g --upgrade-also                 also upgrade installed packages
# -o --delete-orphans               remove orphaned packages
# -f --force-current                select the current version for all packages
# -Y --prune-install                prune the installation to only the requested packages
# -A --disable-buggy-antivirus      Disable known or suspected buggy anti virus
#                                   software packages during execution.

cygsetup ()
    local arch args exe;


    while (true) ; do
	case $1 in
	# accept some dnf flags
		args+=" --quiet-mode" ; shift ;;
		args+=" --download" ; shift ;;
		args+=" --no-verify" ; shift ;;
		args+=" --site ${2#*,}"; shift 2 ;;
	# accept setup flags
	-K|-S)	args+=" $1 $2"; shift 2 ;;
	-*)	args+=" $1"; shift ;;

    case "$args" in
    *--quiet-mode*) ;;
    *)	args+=" --package-manager" ;;

    case $1 in
	args+=" --packages "; shift;
	packages="$@" ; args+="${packages// /,}" ;;
	args+=" --categories "; shift;
	packages="$@" ; args+="${packages// /,}" ;;
	args+=" --remove-packages "; shift;
	packages="$@" ; args+="${packages// /,}" ;;
	args+=" --remove-categories "; shift;
	packages="$@" ; args+="${packages// /,}" ;;
	args+=" --upgrade-also"; shift ;;
	args+=" --force-current --delete-orphans"; shift ;;
    '') ;;
	echo "ERROR: unknown argument: $1" >&2 ; exit 1 ;;

    cygstart -- /bin/setup-@VER@.exe \
	--arch ${arch/i6/x} \
	--no-shortcuts \
	--root $(cygpath -w /) \
	--local-package-dir $(cygpath -w /var/cache/setup) \

cygsetup "$@"

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