[ITA/ITP] python-paramiko 2.4.1, python-bcrypt 3.1.4, python-PyNaCl 1.2.1

Michael Wild themiwi@gmail.com
Fri Jul 20 11:16:00 GMT 2018

Dear all

I would like to adopt the orphaned package python-paramiko. In order
to bring it to its current version, additional dependencies need to be
packaged, namely python-bcrypt and python-PyNaCl.

Debian packages:

* https://packages.debian.org/stretch/python-paramiko
* https://packages.debian.org/stretch/python-bcrypt
* https://packages.debian.org/stretch/python-nacl

For the latter I have the problem that upstream calls it PyNaCl, but
distros seem to drop the "Py" prefix. What is the preferred naming
scheme for Cygwin?

For those wanting to review the packages, I uploaded them to

All the best and a nice weekend!


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