cygcheck-dep: using depends2

Marco Atzeri
Thu Aug 13 14:01:54 GMT 2020

Hi Mikhail,
can you please update cygcheck-dep to use "depends2:" field values
instead of "requires:"

It is not useful to see one library packages is needed by
predecessors libraries:

$ cygcheck-dep -q -S -N libMagickCore6_6
  libMagickCore6_6: is recursively needed for ( a2ps asciidoc asymptote 
autotrace caja-extensions dblatex dmtx-utils feh gnome-common 
gnome-exe-thumbnailer gtk-doc html2ps ImageMagick inkscape karbon 
latex2rtf libautotrace-devel libautotrace3 libMagick-devel 
libMagickC++6_6 libMagickC++6_8 libMagickCore6_2 libMagickCore6_5 
libMagickCore6_6 libMagickWand6_2 libMagickWand6_5 libMagickWand6_6 
libpstoedit0 libWINGs-devel libWINGs3 libwraster-devel libwraster5 
libwraster6 mate-common perl-Image-Magick psiconv pstoedit 
pstoedit-devel WindowMaker xfce4-dev-tools xhtml2ps xmlto zbar )

of course as there are multiples  "depends2:" only the current one 
should be used.


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