[ITA] libiconv-1.16-1, libiconv2-1.16, libcharset1-1.16-1

Marco Atzeri marco.atzeri@gmail.com
Fri Jul 31 04:22:21 GMT 2020

On 30.07.2020 21:38, Lemures Lemniscati via Cygwin-apps wrote:

> By the way, when should I promote libiconv-1.16-2 from test to current?

when you are confident about it. ;-)

> But, I don't know how to promote.
> Should I rebuild and release as libiconv-1.16-3 ?

No. Just remove the "test:" rows from the hint files and re-upload them

"calm" does not accept new tar files with the same name, but accept
replacement for the hint files.
Usually I upload them with lftp, so I do not know if the cygport way
have some issues.

If you have problem, I can modify the hint files directly on
the repository

> Regards,
> Lem


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