SFTP release directories missing

Jon Turney jon.turney@dronecode.org.uk
Sun Jul 3 11:58:20 GMT 2022

On 02/07/2022 19:15, Adam Dinwoodie wrote:
> I'm currently seeing attempts to run `cygport <blah> stage` fail with
> an error "cd: Access failed: No such file (/x86_64/release)". And
> logging in manually over sftp, that looks to be accurate; the only
> file I can see is my !mail file.
> ```
> $ echo $'ls\npwd\n' | sftp cygwin-rDBXBDvO6BXQT0dZR+AlfA@public.gmane.org
> Connected to cygwin.com.
> sftp> ls
> !mail
> sftp> pwd
> Remote working directory: /
> sftp>
> ```
> Clearly something has gone wrong with the upload space for my
> packages; can someone fix it / tell me what I need to do to fix it?

Thanks for reporting this.

A few weeks ago I deployed a change to calm to teach it to remove empty 
directories, but it seems I made it too keen.

I've deployed a fix for that, and re-created the directories required by 
cygport upload/stage.

This shouldn't happen again, but if needed, you can safely recreate 
these directories manually.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

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