[PATCH setup] Add new option --no-write-registry

Jon Turney jon.turney@dronecode.org.uk
Tue Jul 12 12:50:39 GMT 2022

On 09/07/2022 16:59, Christian Franke wrote:
> IMO useful for temporary test installs or "portable" installs to USB 
> devices.
> The 0002-patch adds a related log message.

These patches are ok.

If you can provide a help-text for the new option, I will apply them.

> BTW: During testing I found that the "All Users" <> "Just Me" GUI 
> setting has no effect at all. If setup is run elevated, "All Users" is 
> always implied.
> This is likely because read_mounts() is called again after the "Root" 
> dialog. It resets root_scope and does not re-read the registry.

Yeah.  Thanks just seems like a bug, as what is selected in the UI/via 
command line options should be controlling.

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