[Sharing progress] Tried to revive LLVM/Clang/Libc++ pkgs and port Rust

小さい猫 chiisaineko@protonmail.com
Thu Jul 27 06:46:00 GMT 2023


Recently, for my personal needs, I have been trying to tweak and upgrade the following packages: llvm, compiler-rt, libunwind, libcxxabi, libcxx, clang (upgrading version by version from the original 9.0.1, and currently upgraded to version 12.0.1).

I imported some useful patches from Fedora RPMs, MinGW packages from MSYS2, and okuoku's llvm fork[1].

For patches and modified cygport files, the repos are here: https://github.com/orgs/ookiineko-cygpkg/repositories (commit histories are preserved).

However, I haven't tried to run the test suite because my laptop is not very good, I just know that helloworld compiles and runs fine (regarding c++, I tested linking against libstdc++ and libc++).

I have uploaded the precompiled binary & source packages to here: https://cygwin-llvm-revived-mirror.d0ve.workers.dev/0:/experimental/.

For Rust, it needs a lot of patches. I have tried to add the target/libc/STD support to version 1.67.0, and cross-compile from a Fedora host. For now, helloworld works, even some simple programs like ripgrep. But stack unwinding (panicking) is buggy, and no host compiler tools for now (because that requires native LLVM 15+).

The Rust port is a bit outdated now, since the latest Rust version is 1.71.0 (7 releases behind I guess), but I believe it should not be too hard to get the patches rebased. I plan to do this after I can get LLVM 15 working.

For more info about the Rust port: https://gist.github.com/ookiineko/057eb3a91825313caeaf6d793a33b0b2

[1]: https://github.com/okuoku/llvm-project/tree/cygwin64

Thank you,

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