how to contribute a noarch utility without porting Icon, Noweb, and Cygport
Wed May 3 21:06:28 GMT 2023

I want to contribute a Cygwin port of my utility program "dtt". It is an
architecture-independent executable written in Perl 5 plus a man page. It comes
with supplementary docs in /usr/share/doc, including the complete source.

The package is built from source using the Noweb litprog tool, which also
requires the Icon programming language. Porting these to Cygwin could be a huge
undertaking. It would be much simpler for me to cross-compile, for lack of a
better term, where those tools are ported already -- namely, Slackware.

Instead of porting Cygport to Slackware, again it would be much simpler for me
to create the "binary" tarball and .hint file, a la
<>, and upload manually to
the noarch tree, a la <>.

Is this an objectionable approach?


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