[ITP] cmocka 1.1.7 - C unit testing framework

Jon Turney jon.turney@dronecode.org.uk
Wed Jul 10 21:05:13 GMT 2024

On 10/07/2024 00:35, Brian Inglis via Cygwin-apps wrote:
> Description:
> Elegant unit testing framework for C with support for mock objects,
> derived from Google Cmockery.
> License:    Apache-2.0
> I would like to provide a Cygwin package for cmocka, as it is now
> required for testing my fortune-mod package.
> For more information see the project home pages:
>      https://cmocka.org
> It is packaged by major Linux and BSD distros:
>      https://repology.org/project/cmocka/versions
> There is an error building the docs using doxygen, and that hangs, using
> either cmake/make or cmake/ninja builds, locally and in GH CI (see
> previous job 8341 - had to cancel after 3 hours), with current stable 
> and a local build of the latest doxygen release, and an issue has been 
> raised upstream.

I suspect this is a problem in cygwin.

There is (what sounds like) a similar problem when building libxcb's 
documentation, in that it gets stuck somewhere in doxygen, waiting for a 
load of dot.exe processes to finish even after they're all done.

I bisected that to working under 3.3.6 and failing under 3.4.0, but 
there's nothing obviously related in that interval, and I haven't found 
the time to bisect the commits...

> For now, there is little justification to split into dll (40KB 1 file),
> devel (100KB 8 files 2 dirs), doc (24KB 4 files 1 dir) packages, unless
> for conformity, but can revisit if I can get docs built!

Since the DLL has a soversion number, not placing it in a separate 
package seems contraindicated.

(I take the point that we're *probably* not going to be packaging 
anything linked against is, but gratuitously breaking user-built 
executables linked against it if the soversion ever changes seems a bit 
mean... I guess maybe if we really think that's the only use-case, we 
should only build it as a static library?)

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