[newlib-cygwin/cygwin-3_5-branch] Cygwin: doc: remove "faq.using.sshd-in-domain"

Corinna Vinschen corinna@sourceware.org
Fri Jan 17 11:22:17 GMT 2025


commit e9d83491a9e82da499e3e427b6ddfdb66f8ceeed
Author:     Corinna Vinschen <corinna@vinschen.de>
AuthorDate: Fri Jan 17 11:37:47 2025 +0100
Commit:     Corinna Vinschen <corinna@vinschen.de>
CommitDate: Fri Jan 17 11:46:15 2025 +0100

    Cygwin: doc: remove "faq.using.sshd-in-domain"
    This FAQ entry has been commented out for quite some time.
    Drop it.
    Signed-off-by: Corinna Vinschen <corinna@vinschen.de>
    (cherry picked from commit 37ed066c5f76d179c83342a816d72f996a8af3d2)

 winsup/doc/faq-using.xml | 69 ------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 69 deletions(-)

diff --git a/winsup/doc/faq-using.xml b/winsup/doc/faq-using.xml
index e6a1a7c3f819..56a1d36378c4 100644
--- a/winsup/doc/faq-using.xml
+++ b/winsup/doc/faq-using.xml
@@ -987,75 +987,6 @@ create symlinks are just not available.
-<qandaentry id="faq.using.sshd-in-domain">
-<question><para>How do I setup sshd in a domain?</para></question>
-If you want to be able to logon with domain accounts to a domain member
-machine, you should make sure that the "cyg_server" account under which
-the sshd service is usually running, is a domain account.  Otherwise you
-might end up with weird problems.  For instance, sshd might fail to load
-the child process when trying to login with a domain account.  A potential,
-confirmed error message is
-  *** fatal error - unable to load user32.dll, Win32 error 1114
-Here's how you set up a sshd with a domain service account.
-First of all, create a new domain account called "cyg_server".  This
-account must be an administrative account, so make sure it's in the
-"Administrators" group.  Now create a domain policy which is propagated
-to all machines which are supposed to run an sshd service.  This domain
-policy should give the following user rights to the "cyg_server" account:
-  Act as part of the operating system (SeTcbPrivilege)
-  Create a token object               (SeCreateTokenPrivilege)
-  Replace a process level token       (SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege)
-Now to install sshd on the member machine, logon to that machine as
-an admin.  Make sure the aforementioend global policy has been propagated
-to this machine.  Examine the Local Security Policy settings and, if
-necessary, call gpupdate.
-If everything looks ok, run bash.  Starting with Windows Vista, make
-sure you're running bash elevated.
-Then run ssh-host-config.  Answer all questions so that "cyg_server" is
-used to run the service.  When done, check ownership of
-<literal>/var/empty</literal> and all <literal>/etc/ssh*</literal>
-files.  All of them must be owned by "cyg_server".  If that's ok, you're
-usually all set and you can start the sshd service via
-  $ cygrunsrv -S sshd
-  $ net start sshd
 <qandaentry id="faq.using.ssh-pubkey-stops-working">
 <question><para>Why does public key authentication with ssh fail after updating to Cygwin 1.7.34 or later?</para></question>

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