Any better now?

Corinna Vinschen
Thu Aug 24 06:17:00 GMT 2000

Chris Faylor wrote:
> I've checked in some patches to cygwin which fix inetd/telnet operation
> for me.  Do they work for you, Corinna?  I haven't tried sshd yet.

Unfortunately not.

If sshd is started as service it wastes 100% CPU time. Very hard
to kill since nearly no time for other processes.

If sshd is started as foreground process from command line with
debug option (== no fork) it seems to work but the client responds
only to each second keypress.

If started from the command line without debug option (forking
the daemon, then exit of the parent):

- The child gets forked but the parent never exits.
- When pressing Ctrl-C, parent exits, child remains in background
  (which is ok since it has called setsid()).
- It's impossible to get a client connection to the daemon.

If started as background process from command line (sshd &) which
isn't the default usage but the most interesting scenario:

- The shell told me, PID of sshd is 484.
- ps -el told me, there's only one sshd with PID = WINPID = 640
- Task-Manager told me, there are two sshds with WINPID's 120
  and 640.
- sshd wastes 100% CPU time, according to Task-Manager but for
  some reason there is enough CPU left to start other processes or
  to kill sshd within one second.
- Killing the 640 process, the child (which is NOT in the cygwin
  process list! See above) remains running (which is again ok
  because of the setsid()).
- It's impossible to get a connction to the daemon.

Investigating the last two scenarios I could find that the 100%
CPU time is used by the never ending parent process.

Hope, that helps,

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