unix/dos text question

Robert Collins robert.collins@itdomain.com.au
Thu Mar 22 16:24:00 GMT 2001

/dev/clipboard is a block/stream device... but it's pretty much
guaranteed that there will be dos/unix mode issues:

unix mode cygwin - the text when copied to (say) notepad will still be
unix text. Likewise text copied from notepad to cygwin may have extra

dos mode cygwin - shouldn't have any surprises.

Does the filehandler take care of that for me, or does the clipboard
device need to be aware in some fashion? Ideally the clipboard gets the
file data already translated :] 
The catch is that when writing the CF_TEXT format for windows
applications to get from cygwin it should _always_ be dos mode IMO.
(Cygwin apps will get the native format, which should be in whatever
file mode the user is using).

Pointers to routines are hereby solicted :]


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