setup wishes -- any volunteers

Brian Keener
Thu Mar 22 19:45:00 GMT 2001

I'm not sure I totally understood this and it's probably because I know 
absolutely nothing about dpkg or rpm for that matter as to how they work. 
I wonder how these will tie into the current operation of setup.  Are 
each of these essentially a replacement for tar and how do they control 
the dependencies and packaging.  Take for example the way I sometimes use 
setup to update my packages.  Because of a slow internet connection via 
phone line I might use setup to download 3 or 4 packages one night and 
then download 3 or 4 more the next night as opposed to trying to install 
all of them from the internet in one night.  After I get all the packages 
I want then I will run setup and perform the install from local directory 
and install all the packages I previously downloaded.  I would not expect 
the download to really control anything based on the categories and 
dependencies although the ability to select the packages based on the 
appropriate criteria would be a nice touch.  I sort of thought of the 
dependencies and categories as an aid in allowing setup to select the 
appropriate packages for download and then later for install.

How does the above scenario tie in with using dpkg or rpm.

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