cygwin-developers archive password protected

Elfyn McBratney
Wed Mar 26 22:45:00 GMT 2003

> Christopher Faylor wrote:
> > I hope I have just received my last personal email message regarding
> > something in the cygwin-developers archives.  I've added password
> > protection to the archives.
> >
> > If you want to refer to the archives, your username is the email address
> > where you're receiving this message (look at the List-Subscribe in your
> > header).  The current password is cygdev41
> >
> > Maybe I'll grow to regret this decision but, for now, I'm hoping that it
> > provides one less cygwin irritant.  I expect that we will no longer see
> > people cutting and pasting from the web into the cygwin mailing list
> > either.
> I read cyg-dev via the archives for about a year, before being invited to
> join. It was a very useful and interesting source of information.

Me too (well a few months). It's also good for people who are interested in
contributing and want to see how the development has come along over time
(or is that just me who wanted to do that :-).

> Already, we have some postings on cygwin@ from the understandably miffed,
> and even a workaround for access by ftp.
> Obviously, Chris being swamped in personal mail is intolerable, but
> there is another way to prevent this, whilst still preserving access for
> interested-and-untroublesome people?
> What about this?: Set up a cygwin-developer-user-interface list. I, and
> others who are willing, would join this, and respond to posters there.
> would be told to post there by large (100 point? :-) text, placed as
> and footer on every page within the cyg-dev web archives.

Good idea! I'll help out with this, if you want. :-)

> If this proves to still not be enough, restore the passwording, but permit
> people to apply for access, and accept people only when they have
> demonstrated non-newbieness on cygwin@.
> Max.


Elfyn McBratney

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