GB18030 (was: Re: charset changes)

Corinna Vinschen
Sun Mar 28 15:16:00 GMT 2010

On Mar 28 08:00, Andy Koppe wrote:
> Corinna Vinschen:
> > Looks like there's still no chance to persuade you to sign the copyright
> > assignment form.
> 'fraid so. Sorry.
> So is that a 'no' regarding the GB18030 scheme?

It's a reluctant "if there's no other way then, well, go ahead".

But I don't really like the idea to implement a non-Unicode scheme for
the widechar representation of other targets.  Actually, as far as I'm
concerned, newlib should get rid of the code which implements some funny
widechar repesentation for JIS, SJIS, and EUC-JP.  I'd rather see that
newlib's widechar repesentation is also Unicode throughout.

A Unicode GB18030, which is guarded by a matching define in sys/config.h
(for instance _MB_EXTENDED_CHARSET_GB18030), and which is independent
from Windows entirely, would be the best solution.

Otherwise, if that's too complicated, the Cygwin calls should be at
least macros, rather than functions.

> > Anyway, feel free to send a patch to change the charset name parameter
> > to an array index parameter.
> Right, I'll have a go at the newlib side of that. As this will impact
> code that's ifdeffed out for Cygwin, can you recommend a
> multibyte-enabled platform to compile (and test?) that on?

In how far?  The parameter is entirely unused outside of the CP and ISO
stuff, and CP and ISO are used on Cygwin as well.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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