RFC: Cygwin 64 bit?

Charles Wilson cygwin@cwilson.fastmail.fm
Fri Jul 8 19:37:00 GMT 2011

On 7/8/2011 3:07 PM, Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:
> Let me think more about the "cyg64"shlib/"cyg"module idea, it just might
> be the better of all these options.

This might not be TOO terribly difficult to support in libtool; it has a
separate flag (-module) that is /supposed/ to be used when linking
module dlls, but no guarantees that all libtool clients actually DO use
it for their modules.

Anyway, using -module to manipulate the shared library prefix on
x86_64-*-cygwin might work -- where the "standard" prefix is cyg64 for
that platform, cyg for 32bit cygwin, and lib [*] as usual everywhere else.

[*] ok, the msys sdk distributes a hacked version of libtool that uses
'msys-' as the prefix for dlls on that platform, but no-one cares about
that except me.  And once, when I was young and foolish, the -mno-cygwin
compiled versions of libz, libbz2, etc used 'mgw' as a prefix, but no

For extensibility (and in case you need to override, for some reason) it
might also be time for libtool to implement a companion to

  -shrext SUFFIX    override the standard shared library file extension

such as

  -shrpre PREFIX    override the standard shared library prefix

FYI: libtool currently only "replaces" the lib prefix if the .la
filename /starts/ with "lib".  That is:

	lib_LTLIBRARIES = foo.la libbar.la
	foo_la_LDFLAGS = -no-undefined -module -avoid-version
	libbar_la_LDFLAGS = -no-undefined -module -avoid-version

results in


The same behavior, btw, holds for non-module dlls on cygwin. libtool
basically does a s/^lib/cyg/ on the .la filename.


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