RFC: Cygwin 64 bit?

Charles Wilson cygwin@cwilson.fastmail.fm
Tue Jun 28 16:43:00 GMT 2011

On 2:59 PM, Andy Koppe wrote:
> On 26 June 2011 12:45, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>>  - What Windows headers and link libs do we use?
> Meaning: can we use MinGW-64's, or do we need to create our own fork
> of MinGW's 32-bit ones?

Well, there's no need to "fork" the mingw.org ones -- just post the
patch.  The only concern the mingw.org folks would have is provenance of
any changes: are they derived from public documentation (e.g. msdn) and
provide the appropriate link.  Given that, approval will be almost
instantaneous, and since the repo is hosted by sourceware, lots of
cygwin people have check-in privileges.

It's bad joss to copy stuff from the Windows SDK headers.


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