/dev/clipboard corrupted
Corinna Vinschen
Wed Jul 4 08:15:00 GMT 2012
On Jul 3 18:29, Thomas Wolff wrote:
> [taking this thread to cygwin-developers]
> Corinna Vinschen:
> >On Jun 29 11:47, Thomas Wolff wrote:
> >> On 29.06.2012 11:24, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> >> >You know, we just love STCs. Send you small test program here, plus a
> >> >short instruction how you created the clipboard content and how to
> >call
> >> >the testcase to see the problem.
> >> Sure, so here it is. Open clipboard.txt with notepad, ^A^C to copy
> >> all, then run the program to see bytes skipped.
> >> Actually it seems to skip as many bytes per read() as there were
> >> additional UTF-8 bytes (more bytes than characters) in the preceding
> >> read block.
> >> Checking the code again, variable pos seems to be used both as an
> >> index into the clipboard (WCHAR) and an offset to the resulting
> >> string length (char) which would explain the effect (not having
> >> checked all the details though as I'm not familiar with the used
> >> APIs).
> >
> >Thanks for the testcase. I applied a patch which is supposed to fix the
> >problem. It should be in the next developer snapshot. Please give it
> >a try.
> The patch (loaded from CVS) seems to almost fix the issue but also
> another bug crept in.
> * Looking at the code is quite confusing as long as I assumed
> sys_wcstombs would work like wcstombs;
> the latter is obviously designed to convert complete
> nul-terminated wcs strings only as
> there is no way to control the number of wcs characters, neither
> as consumed in the result
> (as your new comment also mentions) nor as setting a limit -
> the latter is apparently different, telling from the comment in
> strfuncs.cc.
> I had tried a patch using wctomb instead, as follows, but it
> didn't work;
> maybe for some reason the standard functions cannot be used in
> this context?
You didn't tell how it fails. You *could* use the standard functions,
but be aware that they are locale-dependent and your testcase does not
call setlocale, so it's running in the C locale. Also, don't use
wctomb. Ever. It's not thread-safe. Use wcrtomb with an explicit
local shift state variable instead. Also, len - 4 should be
len - MB_CUR_MAX to be independent of the max length of the current
> int outlen = 0;
> /* Make sure buffer has room for max. length UTF-8 (or GB18030/UHC)
> plus final NUL;
> this does not work if the total buffer is shorter,
> so some read-ahead will be needed for a complete solution */
> while (outlen < (int) len - 4 && pos < (int) glen /* IS THIS
> CORRECT? */ )
> {
> int ret1 = wctomb ((char *) ptr + outlen, buf [pos]);
> if (ret1 == -1)
> {
> ((char *) ptr) [outlen] = 0x7F; /* ?? */
> ret1 = 1;
> }
> pos ++; /* clipboard buffer position */
> outlen += ret1; /* output size */
> }
> ret = outlen;
> * The current (CVS) code will not work if even the first character
> to be converted
> needs more bytes than the buffer provides, e.g. if the
> application calls read() with length 1 only.
> Some extra buffering would be needed to make it work then.
Yes, indeed. I'll have a look.
> * I assume the current code will also fail in non-UTF-8 locales;
> if the wcs block being converted contains a non-convertible character,
> it would abort since wcstombs returns -1
> (assuming here that sys_wcstombs behaves alike in this respect)
It doesn't. In fact, sys_cp_wcstombs was designed to never fail
to convert a string. See the source code in strfunc.cc, line 447ff.
> and not even deliver the characters before the failing one.
> * I had previously observed that with a read size of n only n-1
> bytes would be delivered
> and thought this was on purpose because wcstombs appends a final
> nul to its result.
> Now n bytes are returned (if available) and in fact the byte
> behind the read() buffer is
> overwritten (see modified test program).
It's not Cygwin overwriting the byte, your testcase is...
> ------
> Thomas
> #include <fcntl.h>
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <stdlib.h>
> int
> main (int argc, char * * argv)
> {
> char * fn = "/dev/clipboard";
> int fd = open (fn, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY, 0);
> if (fd < 0) {
> exit (fd);
> }
> int out_tty = isatty (1);
> int filebuflen = 100;
> argc --;
> if (argc > 0) {
> int ret = sscanf (argv [1], "%d", & filebuflen);
> }
> char * filebuf = malloc (filebuflen + 1);
> filebuf [filebuflen] = 77;
> fprintf (stderr, "filebuflen %d (overflow byte %d)\n", filebuflen, filebuf [filebuflen]);
> int n;
> do {
> n = read (fd, filebuf, filebuflen);
> if (out_tty) {
> filebuf [n] = 0;
Hmm, what if n == filebuf?
> printf ("read %d bytes: <%s> (overflow byte %d)\n", n, filebuf, filebuf [filebuflen]);
> } else {
> fprintf (stderr, "read %d bytes\n", n);
> write (1, filebuf, n);
> }
> } while (n > 0);
> close (fd);
> }
Corinna Vinschen Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
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