MSYS mode (continue)

Thu Jul 25 21:08:00 GMT 2013

Hash: SHA1

On 26.07.2013 00:53, Christopher Faylor wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 02:20:50PM -0400, Charles Wilson wrote:
>>> But underlying there's still a normal Cygwin DLL and
>>> most tools could just be copied verbatim since they don't need this
>>> extra functionality.
>> And that's the bit where I disagree.  Sure, some scripting tools might 
>> not need adjustment, so long as their interpreter was $MSYS-enabled 
>> (e.g. automake -> msys-perl, msys-bash) -- because the script will "see" 
>> dos-style paths, so its interpreter better be able to handle them.
>> But unless you restrict yourself to only passing around relative paths 
>> (or god forbid, that old "unity mount" idea), any .exe will need to live 
>> in one world or the other. Otherwise, how would paths be interpreted? 
>> Using which tools' mount table?
>> Naturally from the command line I can compensate:
>> msys$  /c/cygwin/bin/foobar.exe $(/c/cygwin/bin/cygpath.exe -u $(cygpath 
>> -d /msys/mount/table/path) )
>> but yee gods that'd be annoying in any automated setting.
> I don't know if this helps but the vague plan is to now have two DLLs
> where before you only had one.  You'd still be providing "MSYS" binaries
> which relied on "MSYS.dll" but, under the hood, MSYS.dll would be only a
> small dll which relied on cygwin1.dll for all of the heavy lifting.
> You'd still have a normal MSYS distribution and it would still, in theory,
> support everything (with the possible exception of very lax security) that
> the old MSYS did.  An MSYS release would consist of MSYS*.dll, cygwin1.dll,
> bash, etc.

Out of curiosity: why do you insist on having MSYS functionality in a
separate dll, when it could be just part of cygwin1.dll (disableable and
enableable in the same way other Cygwin features are disabled/enabled -
via CYGWIN envvar)? What advantage would that give, that justifies the
increase in implementation complexity (hooking up the dll, etc)? Was
that justified earlier in this thread and i just neglected to read that
far back?

Also, i'm planning on building experimental cygwin dll that doesn't use
NO_ACL on mounts by default (msys2 always uses NO_ACL on mounts by
default) and see if it works for me. If it does, that'll remove yet
another item from the list of msys vs cygwin differences, at least for me.

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