load average calculation failing

Jon Turney jon.turney@dronecode.org.uk
Mon May 9 11:29:57 GMT 2022

On 08/05/2022 08:01, Mark Geisert wrote:
> Mark Geisert wrote (on the main Cygwin mailing list):
>> I've recently noticed that the 'xload' I routinely run shows zero load 
>> even with compute-bound processes running.  This is on both Cygwin 
>> pre-3.4.0 as well as 3.3.4.  A test program, shown below, indicates 
>> that getloadavg() is returning with 0 status, i.e. not an error but no 
>> elems
>> of the passed-in array updated.

One other thing I forgot to mention: xload doesn't call getloadavg(), it 
directly uses the PDH interface, see:


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