[PATCH] Cygwin: Allow to set SO_PEERCRED zero (v2)

Mark Geisert mark@maxrnd.com
Tue Dec 8 03:25:49 GMT 2020

Hi Corinna,

Corinna Vinschen via Cygwin-patches wrote:
> On Dec  7 16:30, Corinna Vinschen via Cygwin-patches wrote:
>> On Dec  7 02:29, Mark Geisert wrote:
>>> The existing code errors as EINVAL any attempt to set a value for
>>> SO_PEERCRED via setsockopt() on an AF_UNIX/AF_LOCAL socket.  But to
>>> enable the workaround set_no_getpeereid behavior for Python one has
>>> to be able to set SO_PEERCRED to zero.  Ergo, this patch.  Python has
>>> no way to specify a NULL pointer for 'optval'.
>>> This v2 of patch allows the original working (i.e., allow NULL,0 for
>>> optval,optlen to mean turn off SO_PEERCRED) in addition to the new
>>> working described above.  The sense of the 'if' stmt is reversed for
>>> readability.
>>> ---
>>> -- 
>>> 2.29.2
>> Pushed
> I created new developer snapshots for testing.

I didn't phrase my comment somewhere about "future snapshot TBA" as I had 
intended.  I just meant some future snapshot, not that I was requesting one for 
this patch.  But thank you very much anyway.  I'll sort out with Marco whether the 
Python end of the OP's issue patch should go into pythonX.X-test or pythonX.X 
itself, separately.  BTW The whole set of Python tests might serve to test Cygwin 
in a manner we haven't seen|used yet...


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