[PATCH] Cygwin: Conditionally build documentation

Brian Inglis Brian.Inglis@SystematicSw.ab.ca
Sat Jan 15 05:04:58 GMT 2022

On 2022-01-14 13:18, Lavrentiev, Anton (NIH/NLM/NCBI) [C] wrote:
>> Add a configure option '--disable-doc' to disable building of the
>> documentation by the 'all' target.

> Can you please also add --disable-doc to "configure --help"?  It took me awhile to figure out which option I should use to skip the doc from building because it does no longer ignore doc build failure by default (unlike it used to do).  Also this fact is not reflected in the FAQ here:
> https://cygwin.com/faq.html#faq.programming.building-cygwin
> which still mentions the doc build errors ignored:

>> Normally, building ignores any errors in building the documentation

Updated by Jon a month ago:


+             [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-doc], [Build documentation])],,
+             enable_doc=yes)
+AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_DOC, [test $enable_doc != "no"])

+Building the documentation also requires the <literal>dblatex</literal>,
+<literal>docbook2X</literal>, <literal>docbook-xml45</literal>,
+<literal>docbook-xsl</literal>, and <literal>xmlto</literal> packages. 
+the documentation can be disabled with the <literal>--disable-doc</literal>
+option to <literal>configure</literal>.

probably won't appear on the web site until the next release.

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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