[PATCH] Cygwin: pipe: Give up to use query_hdl for non-cygwin apps.

Takashi Yano takashi.yano@nifty.ne.jp
Sun Mar 3 11:36:41 GMT 2024

On Sun, 03 Mar 2024 11:39:40 +0100
ASSI wrote:
> Takashi Yano writes:
> >> After noticing that we enumerate all the processes (which is an expensive
> >> operation) just to skip all of the non-Cygwin ones anyway, I wonder if it
> >> wouldn't be smarter to go through the internal list of cygpids and take it
> >> from there, skipping the `SystemProcessInformation` calls altogether.
> >
> > Yeah, that makes sens. I'll submit v2 patch.
> Keep in mind that there may be different independent Cygwin
> installations running on the same nachine.

That's possible. But how can we know that is a process in another
installaion of cygwin?

If it is difficult, I think it is not so nonsense to treat it as
same as non-cygwin process.

Takashi Yano <takashi.yano@nifty.ne.jp>

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