[PATCH] Cygwin: pipe: Give up to use query_hdl for non-cygwin apps.

Takashi Yano takashi.yano@nifty.ne.jp
Tue Mar 5 18:42:23 GMT 2024

On Tue, 5 Mar 2024 17:54:19 +0100
Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> On Mar  5 23:47, Takashi Yano wrote:
> > On Tue, 5 Mar 2024 11:14:46 +0100
> > Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> > > This doesn't affect your patch, but while looking into this, what
> > > strikes me as weird is that fhandler_pipe::temporary_query_hdl() calls
> > > NtQueryObject() and assembles the pipe name via swscanf() every time it
> > > is called.
> > > 
> > > Wouldn't it make sense to store the name in the fhandler's
> > > path_conv::wide_path/uni_path at creation time instead?
> > > The wide_path member is not used at all in pipes, ostensibly.
> > 
> > Is the patch attached as you intended?
> Yes, but it looks like it misses a few potential simplifications:
> > diff --git a/winsup/cygwin/fhandler/pipe.cc b/winsup/cygwin/fhandler/pipe.cc
> > index c877d89d7..0611dd1c3 100644
> > --- a/winsup/cygwin/fhandler/pipe.cc
> > +++ b/winsup/cygwin/fhandler/pipe.cc
> > @@ -93,6 +93,19 @@ fhandler_pipe::init (HANDLE f, DWORD a, mode_t mode, int64_t uniq_id)
> >         even with FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT. */
> >      set_pipe_non_blocking (get_device () == FH_PIPER ?
> >  			   true : is_nonblocking ());
> > +
> > +  /* Store pipe name to path_conv pc for query_hdl check */
> > +  if (get_dev () == FH_PIPEW)
> > +    {
> > +      ULONG len;
> > +      tmp_pathbuf tp;
> > +      NTSTATUS status = NtQueryObject (f, ObjectNameInformation, ntfn,
> > +				       65536, &len);
> > +      if (NT_SUCCESS (status) && ntfn->Name.Buffer)
> > +	pc.set_nt_native_path (&ntfn->Name);
> We don't have to call NtQueryObject.  The name is created in nt_create()
> and we know the unique id, so the name is
>   "%S%S-%u-pipe-nt-%p", &ro_u_ntfs, &cygheap->installation_key,
>   			GetCurrentProcessId (), unique_id);
> Do you think it's cheaper to call NtQueryObject()?  If so, no worries,
> but NtQueryObject() has to call into the kernel, while just creating
> the name by ourselves doesn't.
> > @@ -1149,6 +1162,9 @@ fhandler_pipe::temporary_query_hdl ()
> >    tmp_pathbuf tp;
> >  
> > +  UNICODE_STRING *name = pc.get_nt_native_path (NULL);
> > +  name->Buffer[name->Length / sizeof (WCHAR)] = L'\0';
> The string returned by get_nt_native_path() is always NUL-terminated.
> >    /* Try process handle opened and pipe handle value cached first
> >       in order to reduce overhead. */
> >    if (query_hdl_proc && query_hdl_value)
> > @@ -1161,14 +1177,7 @@ fhandler_pipe::temporary_query_hdl ()
> >        status = NtQueryObject (h, ObjectNameInformation, ntfn, 65536, &len);
> >        if (!NT_SUCCESS (status) || !ntfn->Name.Buffer)
> >  	goto hdl_err;
> > -      ntfn->Name.Buffer[ntfn->Name.Length / sizeof (WCHAR)] = L'\0';
> > -      uint64_t key;
> > -      DWORD pid;
> > -      LONG id;
> > -      if (swscanf (ntfn->Name.Buffer,
> > -		   L"\\Device\\NamedPipe\\%llx-%u-pipe-nt-0x%x",
> > -		   &key, &pid, &id) == 3 &&
> > -	  key == pipename_key && pid == pipename_pid && id == pipename_id)
> > +      if (RtlEqualUnicodeString (name, &ntfn->Name, FALSE))
> >  	return h;
> >  hdl_err:
> >        CloseHandle (h);
> > @@ -1178,19 +1187,9 @@ cache_err:
> >        query_hdl_value = NULL;
> >      }
> >  
> > -  status = NtQueryObject (get_handle (), ObjectNameInformation, ntfn,
> > -			  65536, &len);
> > -  if (!NT_SUCCESS (status) || !ntfn->Name.Buffer)
> > +  if (name->Length == 0 || name->Buffer == NULL)
> >      return NULL; /* Non cygwin pipe? */
> > -  WCHAR name[MAX_PATH];
> > -  int namelen = min (ntfn->Name.Length / sizeof (WCHAR), MAX_PATH-1);
> > -  memcpy (name, ntfn->Name.Buffer, namelen * sizeof (WCHAR));
> > -  name[namelen] = L'\0';
> > -  if (swscanf (name, L"\\Device\\NamedPipe\\%llx-%u-pipe-nt-0x%x",
> > -	       &pipename_key, &pipename_pid, &pipename_id) != 3)
> > -    return NULL; /* Non cygwin pipe? */
> > -
> > -  return get_query_hdl_per_process (name, ntfn); /* Since Win8 */
> > +  return get_query_hdl_per_process (name->Buffer, ntfn); /* Since Win8 */
> Given the name is stored in the fhandler, get_query_hdl_per_process()
> doesn't need it as argument, and get_query_hdl_per_process() can just
> call RtlCompareUnicodeString() instead of adding a \0 and calling
> wcscmp().

Thanks for advice. I have revised the patch.

Takashi Yano <takashi.yano@nifty.ne.jp>
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