Handling special characters (\/:*?"<>|) gracefully

Dave Korn dave.korn@artimi.com
Wed May 24 09:31:00 GMT 2006

On 23 May 2006 22:02, Williams, Gerald S (Jerry) wrote:

> Another approach would have been to provide replacements for
> certain Windows library functions that use native NT functions
> internally to get around the limitations. I believe the total
> list of needed replacements is:
>  CopyFile             CopyFileEx
>  CreateDirectory      CreateDirectoryEx
>  CreateFile           DeleteFile
>  FindFirstFile        FindFirstFileEx
>  GetFileAttributes    GetFileAttributesEx
>  GetFullPathName      GetLongPathName
>  GetShortPathName     GetBinaryType
>  MoveFile             MoveFileEx
>  MoveFileWithProgress RemoveDirectory
>  ReplaceFile          SearchPath
>  SetCurrentDirectory  SetFileAttributes
>  SetFileSecurity      FindFirstChangeNotification
> Of course, this would have been an NT-specific solution.
> I actually use a version of such a library to create some of
> the otherwise-uncreatable files in a /dev directory (which is
> not on a managed mount). That way, I can do:

  Is this code public?

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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