dumb mistake

Eric Blake ebb9@byu.net
Sat Feb 3 22:43:00 GMT 2007

Hash: SHA1

According to Christopher Faylor on 2/3/2007 3:21 PM:
>>> Despite warnings, I replaced the cygwin profile and bashrc files, and I cant
>>> seem to remember how to recover from this.

OK, raise your hand if you've ever deleted something you regretted,
particularly because you typed the command wrong or weren't in the
directory you thought you were.  I know I've done it :)

> However, if you
> can't find a chicken to sacrifice at a crossroads at midnight and feel
> like you really must wipe out everything related to cygwin prior to a
> reinstallation,

A chicken?  That's the best you can do?  Come on, for recovering lost
files, it takes something more substantial, like a hippo.

> In general, if something isn't working right, it means that you need to
> do some research.  Things don't magically start working just by
> uninstalling and reinstalling multiple times.

But this is _cygwin_ we're talking about - isn't it the exception to rules
of common sense?

- --
Don't work too hard, make some time for fun as well!

Eric Blake             ebb9@byu.net
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