Constructive criticism

Christopher Faylor
Thu Jul 29 14:53:00 GMT 2010

On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 10:52:12AM -0400, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 04:05:10PM +0100, Dave Korn wrote:
>>On 29/07/2010 06:55, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>>> On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 03:35:09AM +0100, Dave Korn wrote:
>>>> On 28/07/2010 01:14, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 07:55:14PM +0100, Andy Koppe wrote:
>>>>>> Darn, dropped the punchline:
>>>>>>>> Your code is 100% bogus and should be taken out the back,
>>>>>>>> lined up against a wall, and machine-gunned.
>>>>>>>> Then the bleeding corpse should be hung, drawn and quartered.
>>>>>>>> Then burnt.
>>>>>>>> Then the smouldering rubble should be jumped up and down on.
>>>>>>> By a hippo
>>>>> Oh boy.  That brought back memories.  I guess I'm glad I'm not the
>>>>> object of the discussion though.
>>>>  Clearly, I was too subtle in that reply.  It doesn't seem that anyone in
>>>> that thread was distinguishing between criticising someone's code and
>>>> criticising the person themselves.  Oh well, never mind.
>>> I'm certainly well aware of the distinction but it's not one that I've
>>> had much luck with myself.
>>>>  Well, I'm too busy to care right now anyway, I've got a whole bunch of
>>>> parents that I have to go and tell that their babies are ugly!
>>> Wait!  Dave!  Stop!
>>> Oh boy.  I'll bet it's too late.
>>> cgf
>>  Actually, it all went rather well, considering.  There was an awkward
>>silence for a moment, but then someone else spoke up and said that he'd
>>thought so too, but hadn't wanted to say anything for fear of hurting their
>>  Then the guy from the QA dept. said that actually that might explain why the
>>baby had failed in some of their tests, and then the Marketing guy said that
>>they had had some negative consumer reaction to the baby in their polling, but
>>they hadn't highlighted it in their report because ... well, everyone already
>>hates Marketing anyway, and before you know it it turned out that pretty much
>>everyone had been thinking the same thing but nobody was saying it.  Even the
>>parents were agreeing that they'd kind-of known it really, but didn't want to
>>admit it to themselves...
>>  ... It was all going fine until I told them to "Plan to throw one away, you
>>will anyhow".
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