[ANNOUNCEMENT] Server Test 23

Harold Hunt huntharo@msu.edu
Mon May 7 00:33:00 GMT 2001

I just posted Test 23 to my usual announcement page:

Server binary, direct link:

hw/xwin source, direct link:

1) Added 3 button mouse emulation support. (me, Alexander Gottwald)
2) Removed extraneous text following an #endif from winshadgdi.c (me)
3) Pulled mouse button handling out of winwndproc.c, deposited
	said code into winmouse.c.

On Windows NT/2000 the 3 button emulation timeout can be adjusted in
increments of 10 milliseconds; on Windows 95/98/Me the 3 button emulation
timeout can be adjusted in increments of roughly 55 milliseconds.  This
limitation in timout resolution is due to using Win32 User timers; perhaps a
different sort of Win32 timer will be used in the future if users find the
current timout resolution inadequate.

Use '-emulate3buttons' to enable 3 button mouse emulation; you may also use
'-emulate3buttons timeout_in_milliseconds' to specify the maximum time
allowed between the pressing of each button; the default timeout is 50


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