WG: Test 23 crash

Enoch Wu ewu@eskimo.com
Sat May 19 09:21:00 GMT 2001

On Sat, May 19, 2001 at 12:48:51PM +0200, Palic, Darko wrote:
> Hello,
> - How can should my cygwin.bat look to start the X automatically ?
> It should do:
> 1. start cygwin
> 2. jump into a /usr/X11R6/bin
> 3. ./startxwin.bat
> any suggestions?
> regards,
> Darko

Create a file called .bash_login in your home directory with the following
startx &

Look at the setup files at http://www.eskimo.com/~ewu/cygwin/xfree86/x-startup


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